Photo wallpaper
Your preferred image on high-grade digitally printed wallpaper
We attach great value to details: We’ll provide you with individual wallcoverings, as you have come to expect from specialist retailers. The wallcovering will be rolled, shrink-wrapped and sealed. Each of our individually products is given an inlay from the outset, which shows the entire wallcovering image and provides information on the dimensions of the wallcovering and the total number of strips. Each strip is labelled to indicate which strip it is, ensuring you are never confused when hanging your new wall design on the wall. We attach great importance to a good printing result, as we do to the pleasant feel of the wallcoverings. ERFURT-JuicyWalls BASIC wallcovering, for instance, is embossed with a subtle graining after the printing processes. The more heavily embossed ERFURT-Vliesfaser textures are embossed before printing so that they are also available in the same texture as paintable wallcoverings. Quality you can feel.
Digitally printed wallcovering material
ERFURT-JuicyWalls digitally printed wallcoverings are wonderfully high-quality and easy-to-use nonwoven wallpapers. The nonwoven material is a durable material made of textile and cellulose fibres. The Vliesfaser is dimensionally stable and does not expand due to the wetness of the paste – giving you an outstanding seam appearance. What is more, it is extremely tear-resistant, can even be cut when wet, covers cracks and can be painted with acrylic, emulsion or latex paints. The embossing or even the velvety smooth fibres of the flat nonwoven give the wallcovering a pleasing feel and minimise the sheen and degree of reflection on the surface, significantly reducing unwanted reflections and glare. Our high quality standards naturally also include fire retardance (B1 in compliance with the old DIN 4102) or material class B, C - S1 d0 in compliance with DIN EN 13501-1, coupled with the breathability of the material for a healthy indoor climate.
Print on the wallcovering
- Inks/Toner
- Abrasion resistance
- Light fastness
- Pixel-precise cut
- Food-safe
- Healthy (PVC-free, no fumes, neutral odour)
Die Produktvorteile
ohne PVC und Weichmacher
glasfaserfrei, dimensionsstabil
schwer entflammbar (C-s1,d0)
sehr gute Lichtbeständigkeit
Grammatur BASIC 150g/m2
leichte Körnung, seidig glänzend
für Wand und Decke
keine Weichzeit
auf Stoß tapezieren
leicht entfernbar